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Call javascript function when anchor tag(#) in html link is accessed or reloaded

I have a function that create a html page

function createVisuUsuario() {
        var content = document.createElement("div");

        content.className = "content";
        content.id = "content-add";
        content.innerHTML = '<h1>Visualizar Usuário</h1>'+
                                '<div id="res-visu"></div>'+

An another function that calls the function above and this uses ajax to connect to the php and bring information from the database

function visuUser() { 
        var res_visu = $("#res-visu"); 
        $.ajax ({
                url: "php/cadastro.php",
                type: "POST",
                data: {"chave":"visu-teste"},
                success: function(res) {
                        var str = res.substring(1,0);
                        res = res.substring(1);
                        if(str == 0) {
                        else if(str == 1) {
                error: function() {

i have a button that calls this function when click it and put an anchor tag on the html link: Button:

<a id="visu-user" class="menu-link">Visualizar Usuário</a>



Is there a possibility to when i access this link "localhost/teste.php#visu-user" or reload it, it calls my function visuUser() and create the page and etc.

You can first make an onload function, that does what Abbas says:

function check_hash() {
    if(location.hash == '#visu-user') visuUser();

The you might want to bind the same function to the hashchanged event:

$(window).bind('hashchange', check_hash);

Perhaps you want to load other pages as well in this manner. Actually, you then could simply change your button to:

<a href="#visu-user" class="menu-link">Visualizar Usuário</a>

Then you don't need a handler for your button: the hashchanged event will do it for you!

You can get the hash value using js, and check if it corresponds to the correct string like this:

if(location.hash == '#visu-user'){

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