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How to call child components method from parent component

I have a parent-child component as below. Inside child.compontent.ts, I have a method: childFunction(). I want to call this method inside parent's function. How to achieve this?

**Parent.html :** 

<div class="box">
    <input type="text" (input)="searchValue=$event.target.value" placeholder={{placeHolder}} />
<btn-icon [searchType]='searchType' [searchText]='searchValue'></btn-icon> // child component

**parent.component.ts :**

export class parentComponent implements OnInit {

// **Call** childFunction('inputValue');

**btn-icon  is Child :**
**btn-icon.component.ts:  (Child)**

export class btn-iconimplements OnInit {
  @Input() Type: string;
  @Input() Text: string;

      //some logic

just use ViewChild to get the children

export class parentComponent implements OnInit {

@ViewChild(btn-icon) bt-icon //see that viewChild argument is 
                             //the classname of your child-component

You can also use a template reference and pass as argument to a function, eg

    <div class="box">
        <!--see how, in input event you pass the template reference "child" futhermore
        <input type="text" (input)="change(child,$event.target.value)"
                 placeholder={{placeHolder}} />
      <!--see the "#child", it's a template reference-->
      <btn-icon #child [searchType]='searchType' [searchText]='searchValue'></btn-icon> 

You should use @ViewChild in the parent component:

export class parentComponent implements OnInit {
   @ViewChild(BtnIcon)    btnIcon;

the btnIcon property will only be available and filled with the child component after the ngAfterViewInit() lifecycle hook.

Attention: I used the class name BtnIcon in camelcase and not as "btn-icon" as your example.

You can inject the Child Component using decorator @ViewChild() :

private btnIcon: btn-icon;

Then you can access its properties like always:


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