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Is hlookup possible in R? (or, how do I conditionally populate a column?)

I have two dataframes.

X1 is

size    count
37      1.181
38      0.421
39      0.054

and X2 is

size    v1    v1
37      1     5
...     ...   ...
37      1     5
38      3     3
...     ...   ...
38      3     3
39      5     6
...     ...   ...
39      5     6

Dataframe X2 is a large panel basically. I want to create a 3rd column, v3, in X2, such that it takes the value of count from X1 if size matches.

How is this possible?

You can join the two datasets together like this:

left_join(X2, X1, by="size")

Example with the Iris dataset:

I2<-data.frame(Species=c("setosa", "versicolor",  "virginica"),
left_join(iris, I2, by="Species")

This can be accomplished via a left_join() from the dplyr package.


x1 <- tribble(~size, ~count,
              37, 1.181,
              38, 0.421,
              39, 0.054

x2 <- tribble(~size, ~v1, ~v2,
              37, 1, 5,
              37, 1, 5,
              38, 3, 3,
              38, 3, 3,
              39, 5, 6,
              39, 5, 6

left_join(x2, x1, by = "size")


#    size    v1    v2 count
#   <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
# 1    37     1     5 1.18 
# 2    37     1     5 1.18 
# 3    38     3     3 0.421
# 4    38     3     3 0.421
# 5    39     5     6 0.054
# 6    39     5     6 0.054

The base R function merge would get you there as well.

merge(x2, x1)

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