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Euca 5.0 No Node Controllers

I've used the ansible install to run all services on a single host and have two separate physical node controllers.

Everything installed fine and all of my services are green. But I don't think image workers are launching to do my first image uploads. As I'm trying to troubleshoot I see that no node controllers are reported by:


It doesn't return an error just blank output. I've unregistered and re-registered the two node controllers and copied the CLC admin keys with no errors but still can't see output from that command. cloud-output and the various nc log files seem to show successful startup.

I've switched to ImagingServiceAdministrator to look for imaging worker instances with this and got blank output which was what started me looking at NC's:

euca-describe-instances --filter tag-value=euca-internal-imaging-workers

The imaging service is not required for installing instance-store images, eg:

python <(curl -Ls https://eucalyptus.cloud/images)

or (on an ansible deployed cloud):

eucalyptus-images --size 1

To check on the status of node controllers in a deployment you will need to have cloud administrator credentials. You can check this using:


and verifying that the eucalyptus account is being used.

Node controllers are managed via a cluster controller so you should check the status for both:

euserv-describe-services -a --filter service-type=cluster
euserv-describe-services -a --filter service-type=node

this differs from euserv-describe-node-controllers as it does not include information on running instances.

If there are any issues you can check for service events:


and look at the logs (/var/log/eucalyptus/...) to further investigate.

Check that the IP addresses you registered node controllers using are the ones that the node controllers are listening on ( NC_ADDR in /etc/eucalyptus//eucalyptus.conf )

If using firewalld restart/reload the configuration after deployment to ensure running with the latest settings.

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