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How to animate shape or image file along SVG paths with the Vivus js?

I am using vivusjs library to animate SVG, i want to animate an image file or a shape along animated SVG. somthing like as below:


White line is an animating SVG path and green pen is my image file. i need it in Vivusjs library.

No need for a library, you can do all with native JavaScript

Create your own Web Component <draw-path> (supported in all modern browsers)

Do all animations with JavaScript. Key is to set the pathLength to 1 and use getPointAtLength to position the SVG pen at the correct location.

Then all HTML required to display (see SO snippet below):


<draw-path d='M25 50a25 25 0 1 1 80 0a25 25 0 1 1-80 0'></draw-path>
<draw-path d='M25 25h50v50h-50v-50z' stroke='green' stroke-width='5' speed="0.007"></draw-path>
<draw-path stroke='red' stroke-width='5' speed=".01"></draw-path>

 window.customElements.define("draw-path", class extends HTMLElement { constructor() { let template = (id) => document.getElementById(id).content.cloneNode(true); super() // super sets and returns this scope.attachShadow({mode: "open"}) // sets and returns this.shadowRoot.append(template(this.nodeName)); this.line = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#line"); this.line.setAttribute("d", this.getAttribute("d") || "m10 60c30-70 55-70 75 0s55 70 85 0"); this.line.setAttribute("stroke", this.getAttribute("stroke") || "black"); this.line.setAttribute("stroke-width", this.getAttribute("stroke-width") || "2"); this.pen = this.shadowRoot.querySelector("#pen"); this.onmouseover = (evt) => this.draw(); } connectedCallback() { this.draw(); } showpen(state = true, scale) { this.pen.style.display = state? 'initial': 'none'; } draw() { clearInterval(this.drawing); this.showpen(); this.dashoffset = 1; this.pathlength = this.line.getTotalLength(); this.drawing = setInterval(() => this.update(), 50); } update() { this.dashoffset -= this.getAttribute("speed") || 0.02; let {x,y} = this.line.getPointAtLength(this.pathlength - this.dashoffset * this.pathlength); this.pen.setAttribute("transform", `translate(${x-2} ${y-2})`); this.line.style.strokeDashoffset = this.dashoffset; if (this.dashoffset <= 0) this.end(); } end() { clearInterval(this.drawing); this.showpen(false); //console.log("end",this.line); clearTimeout(this.timeout); this.timeout = setTimeout(()=>this.draw(),2000); } });
 <draw-path d='M25 50a25 25 0 1 1 80 0a25 25 0 1 1-80 0'></draw-path> <draw-path d='M25 25h50v50h-50v-50z' stroke='green' stroke-width='5' speed="0.007"></draw-path> <draw-path stroke='red' stroke-width='8' speed=".01"></draw-path> <template id="DRAW-PATH"> <style>:host { display: inline-block } svg { width: 180px; height: 130px; background: beige } </style> <svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"> <path id='line' pathlength='1' stroke-dasharray='1' stroke-dashoffse='1' fill='transparent'/> <path id='pen' stroke='black' stroke-width='2' fill='gold' d='m12 19l7-7l3 3l-7 7l-3-3zm6-6l-2-8l-14-3l4 15l7 1l5-5zm-16-11l8 8m-1 1a2 2 0 104 0a2 2 0 10-4 0'/> </svg> </template>


Be aware M or m (moves) in paths create a new stroke , drawn at the same time, not sequentially.

So stroke-dash* settings are applied concurrent.

That is why in all blogs you only see single stroke simple paths or polylines used.

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