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how to change default fields of Form.List in antd pro

how I can add my own fields to fill it in the form list

          {(data, { add, remove }) => {
            return (
                {data.map((product) => (
                    <Col span={3} offset={2}>
                        rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing first name' }]}
                        <Input />
                    <Col span={1} offset={1}>
                      <DeleteOutlined onClick={() => remove(product.id)} />
                    <Divider />
                <Col span={24}>
                    <Button type="dashed" onClick={add} block icon={<PlusOutlined />}>
                      افزودن کالا

i wnat to have access to filed like this interface

export interface CreateReceiptItemDto {
  receiptId: number;
  productId: number;
  initialMainQuantity: number;
  initialSubQuantity: number;
  referralNumber: string;

but i always get something like this and its defin in node_modules like this

import * as React from 'react';
import { ValidatorRule, StoreValue } from 'rc-field-form/lib/interface';
export interface FormListFieldData {
    test: number;
    test2: number;
    fieldKey: number;
export interface FormListOperation {
    add: (defaultValue?: StoreValue, insertIndex?: number) => void;
    remove: (index: number | number[]) => void;
    move: (from: number, to: number) => void;
export interface FormListProps {
    prefixCls?: string;
    name: string | number | (string | number)[];
    rules?: ValidatorRule[];
    initialValue?: any[];
    children: (fields: FormListFieldData[], operation: FormListOperation, meta: {
        errors: React.ReactNode[];
    }) => React.ReactNode;
    declare const FormList: React.FC<FormListProps>;
    export default FormList;

i think i need something to overwrite this definition or something like that to customize it

You can set values with initialValue props.

InitialValue props will set your fields defaultValue.

A Multiple value can set below code example:

          initialValue={[{ id: 5, name: 'example', mainUnit: '77', subUnit: '777' }]}

A single value can set below code example:

                          rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing first name' }]}

You can try with your preference values with single or multiple.

i fond this way to create an array of object by my own model by iterate a form with my name then filed name in that's form and submit i get my model as an array

          initialValue={[{ id: 1, name: 'test', mainUnit: '2213', subUnit: '21312' }]}
          {(data, { add, remove }) => {
            return (
                {data.map((product) => (
                    <Form name="test">
                      <Col span={2}>
                          rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing first name' }]}
                          <Input />
                      <Col span={5} offset={2}>
                          rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing first name' }]}
                          <Input />
                      <Col span={2} offset={2}>
                          rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing first name' }]}
                          <Input />
                      <Col span={2} offset={2}>
                          rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing first name' }]}
                          <Input />
                      <Col span={3} offset={2}>
                          rules={[{ required: true, message: 'Missing first name' }]}
                          <Input />
                      <Col span={1} offset={1}>
                        <DeleteOutlined onClick={() => remove(product.id)} />
                      <Divider />
                <Col span={24}>
                    <Button type="dashed" onClick={add} block icon={<PlusOutlined />}>
                      افزودن کالا

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