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Silent Refresh Still Works After AccessToken Expiry

I've got an ID4 authentication server working well with an Angular app that is implementing angular-oauth2-oidc with SilentRefresh and a PCKE Authorisation flow.

Everything is working great - the ID4 is configured to serve AccessTokens with a 5 minute lifetime and the Angular app will silently refresh the token every minute (will likely change to refresh with 0.75 time elapsed). The problem I am finding however, is that I can close the browser having logged in - then open it again on the site 10 minutes later (after the original AccessToken has expired without being refreshed) - however the Silent Refresh kicks in a refreshes the token and the user remains logged in. This is a significant security hole.

My client side configuration looks like this:

    issuer: config.authServerUrl,
    clientId: '<redacted>', // The "Auth Code + PKCE" client
    responseType: 'code',
    redirectUri: window.location.origin,
    silentRefreshRedirectUri: window.location.origin + '/silent-refresh.html',
    postLogoutRedirectUri: window.location.origin,
    scope: 'openid profile email api',
    useSilentRefresh: true, // Needed for Code Flow to suggest using iframe-based refreshes
    silentRefreshTimeout: 60000, // For faster testing
    sessionChecksEnabled: true,
    showDebugInformation: !config.production, // Also requires enabling "Verbose" level in devtools
    clearHashAfterLogin: false,
    nonceStateSeparator : 'semicolon', // Real semicolon gets mangled by IdentityServer's URI encoding

and My ID4 configuration looks like this:

        "Enabled": true,
        "ClientId": "<redacted>",
        "ClientName": "<redacted>",
        "ClientSecrets": [ { "Value": "<redacted>" } ],
        "AccessTokenLifetime": "300",
        "AllowedGrantTypes": [ "authorization_code" ],
        "AllowedScopes": [ "openid", "profile", "email", "api" ],
        "AllowedCorsOrigins": [
        "PostLogoutRedirectUris": [
        "RedirectUris": [

I would like the behaviour to be that the silent refresh will only work if I open the browser again on the site, within the AccessToken's expiry time - ie if I open after the AccessToken has expired - then I can't refresh and need to log in.

It seems that the Silent Refresh doesn't use RefreshTokens as the scopes presented on login don't include offline_access and I don't have AllowOfflineAccess set to true on the ID4 side. Are refresh tokens being used here - is the configuration implied in some way - if so, why can you allow a RefreshTokens lifetime to be longer than the AccessTokens?

One thought is that your IdentityServer sets its own "session" cookie during your initial login and that one is used allow the application to silently reauthenticate and get a new access token. You can tweak the lifetime of this cookie from IdentityServer.

I would verify this behaviour using a proxy like Fiddler .

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