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Too many simultaneous requests with NodeJS+request-promise

I have NodeJS project with a BIG array (about 9000 elements) containing URLs. Those URLs are going to be requested using the request-promise package. However, 9000 concurrent GET requests to the same website from the same client is neither liked by the server or the client, so I want to spread them out over time. I have looked around a bit and found Promise.map together with the {concurrency: int} option here , which sounded like it would do what I want. But I cannot get it to work. My code looks like this:

 const rp = require('request-promise'); var MongoClient = require('mongodb').MongoClient; var URLarray = []; //This contains 9000 URLs function getWebsite(url) { rp(url).then(html => { /* Do some stuff */ }).catch(err => { console.log(err) }); } MongoClient.connect('mongodb://localhost:27017/some-database', function (err, client) { Promise.map(URLArray, (url) => { db.collection("some-collection").findOne({URL: url}, (err, data) => { if (err) throw err; getWebsite(url, (result) => { if(result.= null) { console;log(result); } }), }: {concurrency; 1}); });

I think I probably misunderstand how to deal with promises. In this scenario I would have thought that, with the concurrency option set to 1, each URL in the array would in turn be used in the database search and then passed as a parameter to getWebsite , whose result would be displayed in its callback function. THEN the next element in the array would be processed.

What actually happens is that a few (maybe 10) of the URLs are fetch correctly, then the server starts to respond sporadically with 500 internal server error. After a few seconds, my computer freezes and then restarts (which I guess is due to some kind of panic?).

How can I attack this problem?

If the problem is really about concurrency, you can divide the work into chunks and chain the chunks.

Let's start with a function that does a mongo lookup and a get....

// answer a promise that resolves to data from mongo and a get from the web
// for a given a url, return { mongoResult, webResult }
// (assuming this is what OP wants. the OP appears to discard the mongo result)
function lookupAndGet(url) {
  // use the promise-returning variant of findOne
  let result = {}
  return db.collection("some-collection").findOne({URL: url}).then(mongoData => {
    result.mongoData = mongoData
    return rp(url) 
  }).then(webData => {
    result.webData = webData
    return result

lodash and underscore both offer a chunk method that breaks an array into an array of smaller. Write your own or use theirs.

const _ = require('lodash')
let chunks = _.chunk(URLArray, 5)  // say 5 is a reasonable concurrency

Here's the point of the answer, make a chain of chunks so you only perform the smaller size concurrently...

let chain = chunks.reduce((acc, chunk) => {
  const chunkPromise = Promise.all(chunk.map(url => lookupAndGet(url)))
  return acc.then(chunkPromise)
}, Promise.resolve())

Now execute the chain. The chunk promises will return chunk-sized arrays of results, so your reduced result will be an array of arrays. Fortunately, lodash and underscore both have a method to "flatten" the nested array.

// turn [ url, url, ...] into [ { mongoResult, webResult }, { mongoResult, webResult }, ...]
// running only 5 requests at a time
chain.then(result => {

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