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Porting Int Realm List from Objective-c to Swift

How do I porting Realm data model from Objective-c to Swift like below property?


@property RLMArray<NSNumber *><RLMInt> *dates;

Swift (My solution but it's not working)

let dates = List<Int>()


Fatal error: 'try:' expression unexpectedly raised an error. Error Domain=io:realm Code=10 "Migration is required due to the following errors. - Property 'MyDataModel.dates' has been made required."

I found that I just had to add requiredProperties method on the RLMObject subclass in Objective-c version, and it will work fine in Swift version. The reason is that the List type must be non-optional.

+ (NSArray<NSString *> *)requiredProperties {
    return @[@"dates"];

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