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Creating a dataset from multiple hdf5 groups

creating a dataset from multiple hdf5 groups

Code for groups with

np.array(hdf.get('all my groups'))

I have then added code for creating a dataset from groups.

with h5py.File('/train.h5', 'w') as hdf:
hdf.create_dataset('train', data=one_T+two_T+three_T+four_T+five_T)

The error message being

ValueError: operands could not be broadcast together with shapes(534456,4) (534456,14)

The numbers in each group are the same other than the varying column lengths. 5 separate groups to one dataset.

Here you go; a simple example to copy values from 3 datasets in file1 to a single dataset in file2. I included some tests to verify compatible dtype and shape. The code to create file1 are included at the top. Comments in the code should explain the process. I have another post that shows multiple ways to copy data between 2 HDF5 files. See this post: How can I combine multiple.h5 file?

import h5py
import numpy as np
import sys

# Data for file1
arr1 = np.random.random(80).reshape(20,4)
arr2 = np.random.random(40).reshape(20,2)
arr3 = np.random.random(60).reshape(20,3)

#Create file1 with 3 datasets
with h5py.File('file1.h5','w') as h5f :
# Open file1 for reading and file2 for writing
with h5py.File('file1.h5','r') as h5f1 , \
     h5py.File('file2.h5','w') as h5f2 :

# Loop over datasets in file1 and check data compatiblity         
    for i, ds in enumerate(h5f1.keys()) :
        if i == 0:
            ds_0 = ds
            ds_0_dtype = h5f1[ds].dtype
            n_rows = h5f1[ds].shape[0]
            n_cols = h5f1[ds].shape[1]
            if h5f1[ds].dtype != ds_0_dtype :
                print(f'Dset 0:{ds_0}: dtype:{ds_0_dtype}')
                print(f'Dset {i}:{ds}: dtype:{h5f1[ds].dtype}')
                sys.exit('Error: incompatible dataset dtypes')

            if h5f1[ds].shape[0] != n_rows :
                print(f'Dset 0:{ds_0}: shape[0]:{n_rows}')
                print(f'Dset {i}:{ds}: shape[0]:{h5f1[ds].shape[0]}')
                sys.exit('Error: incompatible dataset shape')

            n_cols += h5f1[ds].shape[1]
        prev_ds = ds    

# Create new empty dataset with appropriate dtype and size
# Using maxshape paramater to make resizable in the future
    h5f2.create_dataset('ds_123', dtype=ds_0_dtype, shape=(n_rows,n_cols), maxshape=(n_rows,None))
# Loop over datasets in file1, read data into xfer_arr, and write to file2        
    first = 0
    for ds in h5f1.keys() :
        xfer_arr = h5f1[ds][:]
        last = first + xfer_arr.shape[1]
        h5f2['ds_123'][:, first:last] = xfer_arr[:]
        first = last

This answer addresses the OP's request in comments to my first answer (" an example would be ds_1 all columns, ds_2 first two columns, ds_3 column 4 and 6, ds_4 all columns "). The process is very similar, but the input is "slightly more complicated" than the first answer. As a result I used a different approach to define dataset names and colums to be copied. Differences:

  • The first solution iterates over the dataset names from the "keys()" (copying each dataset completely, appending to a dataset in the new file). The size of the new dataset is calculated by summing sizes of all datasets.
  • The second solution uses 2 lists to define 1) dataset names ( ds_list ) and 2) associated columns to copy from each dataset ( col_list is a of lists). The size of the new dataset is calculated by summing the number of columns in col_list . I used "fancy indexing" to extract the columns using col_list .
  • How you decide to do this depends on your data.
  • Note: for simplicity, I deleted the dtype and shape tests. You should include these to avoid errors with "real world" problems.

Code below:

# Data for file1
arr1 = np.random.random(120).reshape(20,6)
arr2 = np.random.random(120).reshape(20,6)
arr3 = np.random.random(120).reshape(20,6)
arr4 = np.random.random(120).reshape(20,6)

# Create file1 with 4 datasets
with h5py.File('file1.h5','w') as h5f :
# Open file1 for reading and file2 for writing
with h5py.File('file1.h5','r') as h5f1 , \
     h5py.File('file2.h5','w') as h5f2 :

# Loop over datasets in file1 to get dtype and rows (should test compatibility)        
     for i, ds in enumerate(h5f1.keys()) :
        if i == 0:
            ds_0_dtype = h5f1[ds].dtype
            n_rows = h5f1[ds].shape[0]

# Create new empty dataset with appropriate dtype and size
# Use maxshape parameter to make resizable in the future

    ds_list = ['ds_1','ds_2','ds_3','ds_4']
    col_list =[ [0,1,2,3,4,5], [0,1], [3,5], [0,1,2,3,4,5] ]
    n_cols = sum( [ len(c) for c in col_list])
    h5f2.create_dataset('combined', dtype=ds_0_dtype, shape=(n_rows,n_cols), maxshape=(n_rows,None))
# Loop over datasets in file1, read data into xfer_arr, and write to file2        
    first = 0  
    for ds, cols in zip(ds_list, col_list) :
        xfer_arr = h5f1[ds][:,cols]
        last = first + xfer_arr.shape[1]
        h5f2['combined'][:, first:last] = xfer_arr[:]
        first = last

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