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Minimatch pattern for two paths where one is prefix of the other

I am writing an integration test with cypress and having trouble with minimatch pattern.

I have two endpoints that I need to stub. /users/1 and /users/1/profile .

The way I am trying to mock these two endpoints with cy.intercept() is the following. For the first url, /users/1 , I tried cy.intercept('GET', '/users/1', {}) .

For the secton url, /users/1/profile , I tried cy.intercept('GET', '/users/1/profile', {}) .

The problem is that the first pattern intercepts twice.

Can I get some help on this?? Thanks.

I, too, fell into this problem when first using cy.intercept . The solution is to pass in a RouteMatcher object to the method. In particular, you'll want to use the last method signature from the image below:


In the RouteMatcher object, you can specify a path property. Here's the description of the path property:


In essence, using the path property of the RouteMatcher object does an exact match against the given string, whereas the url parameter in the 1st and 2nd method signatures does a substring match against the given string.

So what you'll want is:

    {method: 'GET', path: '/users/1'},
    {body: {}}

    {method: 'GET', path: '/users/1/profile'},
    {body: {}}

In my opinion, this slight change from Cypress between the cy.route and cy.intercept methods was weird and a bit unexpected on the first run-through.

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