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How to use Airbnb's iCalendar Link Programmatically

I have gotten the iCalendar link of a Airbnb listing. When I visit that link using any browser, the browser automatically downloads the.ics iCalendar file. I am trying to program an application that will sync with the iCalendar of that particular Airbnb listing. I thought I should just fetch the iCalendar link and I can read the contents of the.ics file and parse it and process the information.

However when I try to use isomorphic-fetch on the same Airbnb Calendar link I am getting the following Response:

Response {
  size: 0,
  timeout: 0,
  [Symbol(Body internals)]: {
    body: PassThrough {
      _readableState: [ReadableState],
      _events: [Object: null prototype],
      _eventsCount: 5,
      _maxListeners: undefined,
      _writableState: [WritableState],
      allowHalfOpen: true,
      [Symbol(kCapture)]: false,
      [Symbol(kTransformState)]: [Object]
    disturbed: false,
    error: null
  [Symbol(Response internals)]: {
    url: 'https://www.airbnb.com/calendar/ical/22342432.ics?s=56501a678175afddd0ef3874b7a1b28b',
    status: 200,
    statusText: 'OK',
    headers: Headers { [Symbol(map)]: [Object: null prototype] },
    counter: 0

FetchError: invalid json response body at https://www.airbnb.com/calendar/ical/22342432.ics?s=56501a678175afddd0ef3874b7a1b28b reason: Unexpected token B in JSON at position 0

Ideally I would like to query that link from NODE.js (Next.js) and instead of downloading a.ics file I would like to be able to parse the info of the.ics in JSON format so I can process the data and find out which dates are available and which dates are not available for that listing....

How can I do that?

btw I used isomorphic-fetch npm library to do the fetching...eg

const response = await fetch(`https://www.airbnb.com/calendar/ical/22342432.ics?s=56501a678175afddd0ef3874b7a1b28b`);


        console.log('response.body', response.body);

        stories = await response.json();



    } catch(err) {
        stories = [];


Found the answer.... use npm package node-ical

const ical = require('node-ical');
    ical.fromURL(url, options, function(err, data) {
        if (err) console.log(err);

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