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Discord.js Reaction not collecting awaitReactions

I'm having problems getting my reaction collector to collect reactions it just times out any ideas would be appreciated.

        message.awaitReactions((reaction, user) => user.id == message.author.id && (reaction.emoji.name == '1️⃣' || reaction.emoji.name == '2️⃣'),
        { max: 1, time: 30000 }).then(collected => {
                if (collected.first().emoji.name == '1️⃣') {
             let roll1 = util.randomroll(1, 101)
                if(roll1 > 50){
                    bot.db.add(`${message.author.id}.balance`, amount);
                    message.channel.send(bot.embed(`**${quidteam1t}** WON!!! YOU GAINED **${amount}**`));

                    bot.db.add(`${message.author.id}.balance`) -= amount;
                    message.channel.send(bot.embed(`**${quidteam2t}** Won and you lost **$${amount}** better luck next time!`))

        }).catch(collected => {
            message.reply('you didnt react');
   console.log(`${message.author.username} used QuidditchBet to start a betting event!`)


Did you try to constantly ask for emojis first and then use it in your code? What i mean is: const reaction1Emoji = '1️⃣' and const reaction2Emoji = '2️⃣' and then replace where emoji.name with reaction1Emoji and reaction2Emoji !

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