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When creating localiap purchase there’s no receipt

Okay so I'm making a tweak, when I purchase the app it works fine ( using transactionstate 1 ), but after I close the app I have to re do the purchase every time.. can someone help.. I've tried iapcrackers but they do the same thing.. it's like there's no receipt or transactions not saving..

Receipt validation is too complex to explain here. To get a brief overview, I recommend you to read the article from Apple about possible receipt validation techniques and to watch the WWDC video linked in the article.

After you get a brief overview, you can decide if you want to go with local or server receipt validation. As with everything, both have their advantages and disadvantages.

Unfortunately, Apple doesn't provide a good article about local receipt validation and so far I haven't found a framework doing this correctly (as I would expect it). Although, it can be a good start without the hurdle of thinking about server communication. If you go with the local receipt validation, I recommend you to use TPInAppReceipt to access the receipt and its fields.

For server receipt validation there is this article from Apple, describing roughly the steps you need to do.

Apart from that, there are some third-party solutions for server receipt validation like RevenueCat , ChurnFighter , and Qonversion .

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