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*ngIf directive in Angular

I'm getting data from my backend server

proyecto: Proyecto;
ngOnInit(): void {
// subscribe START
            params => {
                const id = params.get('id');
                console.log('MainContent:Proyecto Seleccionado: ', id);
                        (data: Proyecto) => this.proyecto = data,
                        (err: any) => console.log(err),
                        () => console.log('MainContent: datos de proyecto recogidos')
// subscribe END

But If I use ngIf directive I don't see anything


But I get the data


Any idea Please? Thanks

Try checking with some data inside the result with *ngIf and see if u get the results first.

For eg -


This will give you an idea of what it accepts.

Use can use this and check as example

<div *ngIf="!!proyecto">

reference use of !! Operator

Ref: https://stackoverflow.com/a/784946/6923146

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