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Creating a dictionary from a CSV file in Python

I'm a beginner in python and I'm stuck on my program.

I would like to create a program that extracts data from the CSV file and displays the following result when it runs:

{company: [total number of missions, number of successful missions, number of failed missions]}

I started to write a code but I think I made mistakes. Can someone help me with this program?

with open ('data-files/SpaceMission_data.csv', 'r') as handle:
    content = csv.reader(handle)
-------------------------------------------------(new cell)----------------------------------------
import csv

def space_statistics(filename):
    '''The function returns a dictionary in which it counts the number of mission for each company in charge
    and also counts the number of successful and failed missions'''

    space = dict()
    err_Msg = 'Error: Check the file path or content' 
        with open(filename, 'r') as handle:
            for line in handle:
                val = line.split(",")[1:7]
                space[val[1]] = int(val[7]) 
                print(msg.format(val[1], val[7]))
        return space
        print("Error: Something wrong with your file location?")


Here is a screenshot of the 'SpaceMission_data.csv' file. 屏幕

Leverage the csv module then you can just index the data easily. Check if the key is there if it is just access the last entry otherwise add a new list.

import csv

def space_statistics(csvFile):
    space = {}
    with open(csvFile, newline='') as inFile:
        reader = csv.reader(inFile)
        data = list(reader)
    for entry in data[1:]:#skip the first one because thats the header
        if entry[2] in space:#company already exists in dict
            if entry[-1] == 'Success'
                space[entry[2]][1] += 1
                space[entry[2]][2] += 1
            space[entry[2]][0] += 1#total mission count
            space[entry[2]] = [1,0,0]
            if entry[-1] == 'Success'
                space[entry[2]][1] += 1
                space[entry[2]][2] += 1
    return space

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