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jquery get text from dynamically created input

I have some code that displays the JSON and allows the user to edit the text. After editing, I want to allow the user to click a button to save the new input value. Everything works as expected except for grabbing that new input value.

for (let i = 0; i < jsonObject.results.length; i++) {
    var row = `<tr scope="row" class="test-row-${jsonObject.results[i].id}">
    <td id="fName-${jsonObject.results[i].id}" data-testid="${jsonObject.results[i].id}">${jsonObject.results[i].firstName}</td>
    // some code

      clickAButton(jsonObject.results[i].id, jsonObject, i);

    $(`#fName-${jsonObject.results[i].id}`).on('click', editResult)
function editResult(){
  var testid = $(this).data('testid')
  var value = $(this).html()

  $(this).html(`<input class="result form-control" data-testid="${testid}" type="text" value="${value}">`)
function clickAButton() {
  var text = $(`#fName-${jsonObject.results[index].id}`).val();
  console.log("text from " + text);
  // code

the code above displays

text from

How do I get it to display the new user input?

Instead of writing mutliple event handler for all tds and button you can use only one event handler for button and td. So, when td is clicked just remove data-testid attribute from td so that again that event will not get called and to get input value use $(this).closest('tr').find('.result').val() this will give you input value where save button is clicked.

Demo Code :

 var jsonObject = { "results": [{ "id": 1, "firstName": "sas" }, { "id": 2, "firstName": "cd" }] } for (let i = 0; i < jsonObject.results.length; i++) { var row = `<tr scope="row" class="test-row-${jsonObject.results[i].id}"> <td id="fName-${jsonObject.results[i].id}" data-testid="${jsonObject.results[i].id}">${jsonObject.results[i].firstName}</td><td><input type='button' id='save-${jsonObject.results[i].id}' value ='save'></td></tr>` $("table").append(row) } $(document).on('click', 'td[data-testid]', function() { var testid = $(this).data('testid') var value = $(this).html() $(this).html(`<input class="result form-control" data-testid = "${testid}" type = "text" value = "${value}" >`) //removed data-testid $(this).removeAttr("data-testid"); }) $(document).on('click', '[id*=save-]', function() { //use class to find input var text = $(this).closest('tr').find('.result').val(); console.log("text from " + text); })
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <table> </table>

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