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Github actions failed to deploy Jekyll website on Github pages

I have setup a local Jekyll site that is configured to deploy to Github pages. I used the "Chirpy" theme (see https://github.com/cotes2020/jekyll-theme-chirpy ) and followed the instructions successfully to get it to deploy the first time.

I am trying to get my 2nd commit w/ updates to deploy but the process is failing when the Github action runs. I see this output:


This is my first attempt at any of this so don't have any perspective on what is going on w/ any of these technologies.

Thanks for any help and LMK what else might make things clearer!

It seems like after you run test.sh, you tried to switch branches. I suspect that is the problem because it doesn't appear that you tried to git reset or anything like that. I believe your test.sh ran (see these lines ) so there are unstaged changes.

If you don't want those changes, you might try a git stash to easily reset. Just a thought.

So the issue was that I checked in the _site and.jekyll-cache directories. Here is the proper.gitignore entries to have the standard gh-pages branch build w/o this problem.


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