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Ninject Circular Dependencies

there are 2 classes in wpf app

First class

public class Context1 : BaseContext
        private readonly Page1 _page1;

        public Context1(Page1 page1)
            _page1 = page1;

Second class

public class Context2 : BaseContext
        private readonly Page2 _page2;

        public Context2(Page2 page2)
            _page2 = page2;


container = new StandardKernel();
container.Bind<Page1>().ToMethod(context => new Page1() { DataContext = container.Get<Context1>() });
container.Bind<Page2>().ToMethod(context => new Page2() { DataContext = container.Get<Context2>() });

on start stackoverflow exception appears, how to resolve?

The Context requires a Page and the Page requires a Context , so it is a circular dependency. I would recommend refactoring some of the behaviors of each into standalone services so that at least one of them can get its dependencies from the services and break the circular reference.

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