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Testing Airflow: task with DAG and task context not running in pytest

I'm using pytest to test an Airflow task that needs the task context (and therefore a DAG). There are two files:

  1. conftest.py: file that contains pytext fixtures
  2. test_bash.py: file that contains the test for the task

This is the fixture for the DAG:

def test_dag():
    args = {'owner': 'airflow', 'start_date': datetime.datetime(2021, 1, 1)}
    return DAG('test_dag', default_args=args, schedule_interval='@daily')

This is the fixture for the postgres_container that I'm using for the Airflow metastore:

postgres_image = fetch(repository='postgres:13')
postgres_container = container(
    ports={'5432/tcp': None},
        'POSTGRES_USER': 'airflow',
        'POSTGRES_PASSWORD': 'airflow',

This is the actual test:

import os
import ipaddress
import subprocess

from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator

def test_bash_so(test_dag, postgres_container):
       f"Running PostgreSQL container named {postgres_container.name} "
       f"on port {postgres_container.ports['5432/tcp'][0]}."
    postgres_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(postgres_container.ips.primary)

    # set sql_alchemy_conn to the URI of the postgres_container
    env = os.environ.copy()

    # initialize the Airflow metastore
    p = subprocess.run(['airflow', 'db', 'init'], capture_output=True, env=env)

    # check that the Airflow metastore was initialized successfuly
    p = subprocess.run(['airflow', 'db', 'check'], capture_output=True, env=env)

    my_file = '/tmp/hello.txt'

    task = BashOperator(
        bash_command=f'echo hello > {my_file}',


    with open(my_file, 'r') as f:
        assert f.read().replace('\n', '') == 'hello'

I think the task never actually runs because no file is created.

This is the output when I run pytest -rP :

=============================================================================================================== FAILURES ===============================================================================================================
_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_bash_so _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

test_dag = <DAG: test_dag>, postgres_container = <pytest_docker_tools.wrappers.container.Container object at 0x7f085c8a1160>

    def test_bash_so(test_dag, postgres_container):
           f"Running PostgreSQL container named {postgres_container.name} "
           f"on port {postgres_container.ports['5432/tcp'][0]}."
        postgres_ip = ipaddress.ip_address(postgres_container.ips.primary)

        env = os.environ.copy()
        env['AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN'] = (

        p = subprocess.run(['airflow', 'db', 'init'], capture_output=True, env=env)

        p = subprocess.run(['airflow', 'db', 'check'], capture_output=True, env=env)

        my_file = '/tmp/hello.txt'

        task = BashOperator(
            bash_command=f'echo hello > {my_file}',


>       with open(my_file, 'r') as f:
E       FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/tmp/hello.txt'

tests/plugins/custom_operators/test_bash_so.py:40: FileNotFoundError
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout setup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fetching postgres:13
Waiting for container to be ready..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Running PostgreSQL container named vigilant_austin on port 49237.
b"DB: postgresql+psycopg2://airflow:***@\n[2021-02-17 18:07:21,798] {db.py:678} INFO - Creating tables\n[2021-02-17 18:07:23,478] {manager.py:727} WARNING - No user yet created, use flask fab command to do it.\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,526] {migration.py:555} INFO - Running upgrade 2c6edca13270 -> 61ec73d9401f, Add description field to connection\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,528] {migration.py:555} INFO - Running upgrade 61ec73d9401f -> 64a7d6477aae, fix description field in connection to be text\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,529] {migration.py:555} INFO - Running upgrade 64a7d6477aae -> e959f08ac86c, Change field in DagCode to MEDIUMTEXT for MySql\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,660] {dagbag.py:440} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /home/denis/airflow/dags\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,692] {example_kubernetes_executor_config.py:174} WARNING - Could not import DAGs in example_kubernetes_executor_config.py: No module named 'kubernetes'\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,692] {example_kubernetes_executor_config.py:175} WARNING - Install kubernetes dependencies with: pip install apache-airflow['cncf.kubernetes']\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,713] {dag.py:1813} INFO - Sync 28 DAGs\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,717] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_xcom_args_with_operators\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,717] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for tutorial\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,718] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for latest_only\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,718] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_trigger_target_dag\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,718] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_subdag_operator.section-1\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,718] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_trigger_controller_dag\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,718] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_passing_params_via_test_command\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,719] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_xcom\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,719] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for latest_only_with_trigger\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,719] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_kubernetes_executor\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,719] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_subdag_operator\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,719] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_subdag_operator.section-2\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,719] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for tutorial_etl_dag\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,720] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_short_circuit_operator\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,720] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_python_operator\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,720] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_complex\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,720] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_nested_branch_dag\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,720] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_dag_decorator\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,721] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_external_task_marker_child\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,721] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_external_task_marker_parent\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,721] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_task_group\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,721] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_branch_dop_operator_v3\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,721] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_branch_operator\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,722] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_xcom_args\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,722] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_bash_operator\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,722] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_skip_dag\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,722] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for tutorial_taskflow_api_etl\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,722] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for test_utils\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,730] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_bash_operator to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,741] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_branch_dop_operator_v3 to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,746] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_branch_operator to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,746] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_complex to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,747] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_dag_decorator to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,747] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_external_task_marker_child to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,747] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_external_task_marker_parent to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,747] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_kubernetes_executor to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,752] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_nested_branch_dag to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,763] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_passing_params_via_test_command to 2021-02-16 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,763] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_python_operator to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,764] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_short_circuit_operator to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,764] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_skip_dag to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,764] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,764] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator.section-1 to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,764] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator.section-2 to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,764] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_task_group to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,765] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_trigger_controller_dag to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,765] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_trigger_target_dag to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,765] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_xcom to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,765] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_xcom_args to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,765] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_xcom_args_with_operators to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,766] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for latest_only to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,766] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for latest_only_with_trigger to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,766] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for test_utils to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,766] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for tutorial to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,767] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for tutorial_etl_dag to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,767] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for tutorial_taskflow_api_etl to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,792] {dag.py:1813} INFO - Sync 2 DAGs\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,799] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator.section-1 to None\n[2021-02-17 18:07:25,800] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator.section-2 to None\nInitialization done\n"
b'[2021-02-17 18:07:26,759] {db.py:756} INFO - Connection successful.\n'
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- postgres_container: vigilant_austin --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
The files belonging to this database system will be owned by user "postgres".
This user must also own the server process.

The database cluster will be initialized with locale "en_US.utf8".
The default database encoding has accordingly been set to "UTF8".
The default text search configuration will be set to "english".

Data page checksums are disabled.

fixing permissions on existing directory /var/lib/postgresql/data ... ok
creating subdirectories ... ok
selecting dynamic shared memory implementation ... posix
selecting default max_connections ... 100
selecting default shared_buffers ... 128MB
selecting default time zone ... Etc/UTC
creating configuration files ... ok
running bootstrap script ... ok
performing post-bootstrap initialization ... ok
syncing data to disk ... ok

Success. You can now start the database server using:

    pg_ctl -D /var/lib/postgresql/data -l logfile start

initdb: warning: enabling "trust" authentication for local connections
You can change this by editing pg_hba.conf or using the option -A, or
--auth-local and --auth-host, the next time you run initdb.
waiting for server to start....2021-02-17 17:07:20.664 UTC [53] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.2 (Debian 13.2-1.pgdg100+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0, 64-bit
2021-02-17 17:07:20.665 UTC [53] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2021-02-17 17:07:20.667 UTC [54] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-02-17 17:07:20 UTC
2021-02-17 17:07:20.671 UTC [53] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
server started

/usr/local/bin/docker-entrypoint.sh: ignoring /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/*

2021-02-17 17:07:20.898 UTC [53] LOG:  received fast shutdown request
waiting for server to shut down....2021-02-17 17:07:20.899 UTC [53] LOG:  aborting any active transactions
2021-02-17 17:07:20.900 UTC [53] LOG:  background worker "logical replication launcher" (PID 60) exited with exit code 1
2021-02-17 17:07:20.900 UTC [55] LOG:  shutting down
2021-02-17 17:07:20.908 UTC [53] LOG:  database system is shut down
server stopped

PostgreSQL init process complete; ready for start up.

2021-02-17 17:07:21.019 UTC [1] LOG:  starting PostgreSQL 13.2 (Debian 13.2-1.pgdg100+1) on x86_64-pc-linux-gnu, compiled by gcc (Debian 8.3.0-6) 8.3.0, 64-bit
2021-02-17 17:07:21.019 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv4 address "", port 5432
2021-02-17 17:07:21.019 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on IPv6 address "::", port 5432
2021-02-17 17:07:21.020 UTC [1] LOG:  listening on Unix socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"
2021-02-17 17:07:21.024 UTC [81] LOG:  database system was shut down at 2021-02-17 17:07:20 UTC
2021-02-17 17:07:21.027 UTC [1] LOG:  database system is ready to accept connections
2021-02-17 17:07:21.829 UTC [94] ERROR:  relation "connection" does not exist at character 569
2021-02-17 17:07:21.829 UTC [94] STATEMENT:  SELECT connection.password AS connection_password, connection.extra AS connection_extra, connection.id AS connection_id, connection.conn_id AS connection_conn_id, connection.conn_type AS connection_conn_type, connection.description AS connection_description, connection.host AS connection_host, connection.schema AS connection_schema, connection.login AS connection_login, connection.port AS connection_port, connection.is_encrypted AS connection_is_encrypted, connection.is_extra_encrypted AS connection_is_extra_encrypted, count(connection.conn_id) AS count_1
        FROM connection GROUP BY connection.conn_id
        HAVING count(connection.conn_id) > 1
2021-02-17 17:07:21.830 UTC [94] ERROR:  current transaction is aborted, commands ignored until end of transaction block
2021-02-17 17:07:21.830 UTC [94] STATEMENT:  SELECT connection.password AS connection_password, connection.extra AS connection_extra, connection.id AS connection_id, connection.conn_id AS connection_conn_id, connection.conn_type AS connection_conn_type, connection.description AS connection_description, connection.host AS connection_host, connection.schema AS connection_schema, connection.login AS connection_login, connection.port AS connection_port, connection.is_encrypted AS connection_is_encrypted, connection.is_extra_encrypted AS connection_is_extra_encrypted
        FROM connection
        WHERE connection.conn_type IS NULL
================================================================================================================ PASSES ================================================================================================================
=============================================================================================== 1 failed, 2 passed, 3 skipped in 11.83s ================================================================================================

Interestingly, if I comment out the actual task.run() call and the rest, the Airflow metastore seems to be initialized correctly:

______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ test_bash_so _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout setup ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Fetching postgres:13
Waiting for container to be ready..
--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Captured stdout call ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Running PostgreSQL container named tender_rubin on port 49234.
DB: postgresql+psycopg2://airflow:***@
[2021-02-17 17:52:31,680] {db.py:678} INFO - Creating tables
[2021-02-17 17:52:33,363] {manager.py:727} WARNING - No user yet created, use flask fab command to do it.
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,409] {migration.py:555} INFO - Running upgrade 2c6edca13270 -> 61ec73d9401f, Add description field to connection
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,411] {migration.py:555} INFO - Running upgrade 61ec73d9401f -> 64a7d6477aae, fix description field in connection to be text
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,413] {migration.py:555} INFO - Running upgrade 64a7d6477aae -> e959f08ac86c, Change field in DagCode to MEDIUMTEXT for MySql
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,547] {dagbag.py:440} INFO - Filling up the DagBag from /home/denis/airflow/dags
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,570] {example_kubernetes_executor_config.py:174} WARNING - Could not import DAGs in example_kubernetes_executor_config.py: No module named 'kubernetes'
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,570] {example_kubernetes_executor_config.py:175} WARNING - Install kubernetes dependencies with: pip install apache-airflow['cncf.kubernetes']
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,592] {dag.py:1813} INFO - Sync 28 DAGs
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,596] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_branch_operator
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,596] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_external_task_marker_child
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,596] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_trigger_controller_dag
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,597] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_short_circuit_operator
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,597] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_branch_dop_operator_v3
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,597] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_passing_params_via_test_command
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,597] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for latest_only_with_trigger
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,597] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for tutorial_taskflow_api_etl
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,598] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_external_task_marker_parent
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,598] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_bash_operator
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,598] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_subdag_operator
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,598] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_python_operator
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,598] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_dag_decorator
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,599] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_subdag_operator.section-2
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,599] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for tutorial
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,599] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for test_utils
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,599] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_kubernetes_executor
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,599] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for latest_only
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,600] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_xcom
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,600] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_nested_branch_dag
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,600] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_trigger_target_dag
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,600] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_xcom_args_with_operators
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,600] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_xcom_args
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,601] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_task_group
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,601] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_subdag_operator.section-1
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,601] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for tutorial_etl_dag
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,601] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_complex
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,601] {dag.py:1832} INFO - Creating ORM DAG for example_skip_dag
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,609] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_bash_operator to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,621] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_branch_dop_operator_v3 to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,625] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_branch_operator to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,625] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_complex to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,626] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_dag_decorator to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,626] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_external_task_marker_child to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,626] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_external_task_marker_parent to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,626] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_kubernetes_executor to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,631] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_nested_branch_dag to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,642] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_passing_params_via_test_command to 2021-02-16 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,642] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_python_operator to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,643] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_short_circuit_operator to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,643] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_skip_dag to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,643] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,643] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator.section-1 to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,643] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator.section-2 to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,644] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_task_group to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,644] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_trigger_controller_dag to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,644] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_trigger_target_dag to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,644] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_xcom to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,644] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_xcom_args to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,645] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_xcom_args_with_operators to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,645] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for latest_only to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,645] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for latest_only_with_trigger to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,645] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for test_utils to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,645] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for tutorial to 2021-02-15 00:00:00+00:00
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,646] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for tutorial_etl_dag to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,646] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for tutorial_taskflow_api_etl to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,671] {dag.py:1813} INFO - Sync 2 DAGs
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,677] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator.section-1 to None
[2021-02-17 17:52:35,677] {dag.py:2266} INFO - Setting next_dagrun for example_subdag_operator.section-2 to None
Initialization done

[2021-02-17 17:52:36,652] {db.py:756} INFO - Connection successful.

So I wonder: does the task.run() code after the subprocess.run() calls somehow impact the metastore initialization? Perhaps the task runs before the metastore is initialized? Or maybe the task doesn't run at all for a different reason?

So the problem occurs because the Airflow task starts before the metastore is initialized. It's complicated to force the task to wait until the postgres container has started and the airflow db init call succeeds.

Instead I'm just using the sqlite metastore which I delete at the end of the test:

import os
import subprocess

from airflow.operators.bash import BashOperator
from sqlalchemy.orm.exc import NoResultFound
from pathlib import Path

def test_bash(tmp_path: Path, test_dag, monkeypatch):
    my_file = tmp_path / 'hello.txt'

    metastore_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'airflow.db')
    uri = f'sqlite:///{metastore_path}'

    monkeypatch.setenv('AIRFLOW__CORE__SQL_ALCHEMY_CONN', uri)
    monkeypatch.setenv('AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_EXAMPLES', 'False')
    monkeypatch.setenv('AIRFLOW__CORE__LOAD_DEFAULT_CONNECTIONS', 'False')

    init_metastore = subprocess.Popen(['airflow', 'db', 'init'])

    task = BashOperator(
        bash_command=f'echo hello > {my_file}',

        print('Running task...')
    except NoResultFound:
        print('Caught expected `sqlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound` exception')

    with open(my_file, 'r') as f:
        assert f.read().replace('\n', '') == 'hello'

I have to catch the qlalchemy.orm.exc.NoResultFound exception that occurs every first run of a task with new task_id . It's unclear why this exception is raised because the tasks succeeds.

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