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Angular RXJS need to understand how service works

Can someone please help me to understand this code

Here is a Service https://github1s.com/NG-ZORRO/ng-zorro-antd/blob/HEAD/components/core/config/config.service.ts

and the service method is called from


I need to understand what this method getConfigChangeEventForComponent in constructure() method actually do.

It's always better to put the code in your question:-)

Here's the method:

  getConfigChangeEventForComponent(componentName: NzConfigKey): Observable<void> {
    return this.configUpdated$.pipe(
      filter(n => n === componentName),

From looking at getConfigChangeEventForComponent , you can see it is simply filtering the configUpdated$ stream to emit only when the specified component has changed. Then, it simply returns undefined , which implies that the value isn't useful, but only knowing that the config for a specific componentName has changed.

Essentially, this method returns an observable that emits when the config changes for the specified component.

If the method simply returned this.configUpdated$ , then the observable would emit whenever any change was made to any component. However, a couple operators are applied to control when the returned observable emits:

  • filter() is used to only allow emissions where the emitted value equals the provided componentName.
  • mapTo() is used to simply always return undefined to subscribers.

The set() method on the service is what causes configUpdated$ to emit (by calling .next() :

  set<T extends NzConfigKey>(componentName: T, value: NzConfig[T]): void {
    this.config[componentName] = { ...this.config[componentName], ...value };

From searching in githubs1 editor, I didn't see any references that called the set() method, but searching github directly showed various places:

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