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Don't GET req.query.name to collection.find in express and MongoDB

I use a mongodb database where I have its internal log data. With Express, Node and Monk (following this guide) I have to try to get data from a search text box, and I stopped on how to request this data.

from the userlist.ejs page I have implemented a form where I send a GET request:


where then I go to get name through

search = req.query.name 

and then insert it into the collection.find({search}.....

below is the index.js:

/* GET Userlist page. */
router.get('/userlist', function(req, res) {

    search = req.query.name;

    var db = req.db;
    var collection = db.get('startup_log');
        res.render('userlist', {
          "userlist" : docs


this is the userlist.ejs page where I send the request. which later should display it through the for loop after processing it from index.ejs,

 <!DOCTYPE html>
     <title>User List</title>
     <link rel='stylesheet' href='/stylesheets/style.css' />
     <h1>User List</h1>

     <input type="text" id="titles" />

<form action="/userlist" method="GET" encType="multipart/form-data">
  <label htmlFor="newNote">New Note:</label>
    <input type="text" name="name"  className="form-control" rows="5" 
     id="name" placeholder="5044"></input>
    <button id="done" type="submit" className="btn btn-primary pull- 
    <button id="cancel" className="btn btn-warning pull- 

    <% for (var i = 0; i < userlist.length; i++) {%>
    <li><%= userlist[i].hostname %></li>

i can't figure out how to pass to collection.find the query i enter in the text box. any help would be appreciated as I cannot find specific information about my case. Thanks in advance!


I can say that I have tried them all, I am about to give up, I also tried with an if else, I tried to change the field, but nothing, it does not take the damn

let query = req.query.name;



the funny thing is that it works perfectly well in this way:

router.get('/search', async (req, res)=> {

if (!req.query.name)
return res.render("search", {
  title: "NodeMongo Search",

else {
  const url = 'localhost:27017/local'; // Connection URL
  const db = require('monk')(url);
  const collection = db.get('startup_log')
let query = 5044; //assigning the pid directly to the variable query
const userlist = await collection.find({pid:query});

so assigning 5044 to the query variable run perfectly, but:

router.get('/search', async (req, res)=> {

if (!req.query.name)
return res.render("search", {
  title: "NodeMongo Search",

else {
  const url = 'localhost:27017/local'; // Connection URL
  const db = require('monk')(url);
  const collection = db.get('startup_log')
let query = req.query.name;
const userlist = await collection.find({pid:query});

assigning the query req.query.name NO

It looks like everything is done correctly, except for the actual MongoDB query. {search} expands to {search: search} so it will search inside a field called search in your database and I'm assuming no such field exists.

You can read about the correct MongoDB query syntax here: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/tutorial/query-documents/

For example, to return only documents where the field email would equal your search query, you'd use {email: search} . I can't give you an exact solution for your case though because you didn't show the structure of your database documents.

For those interested in the solution, it is that req.query only passes strings, so I solved it in this way;

var query = (+req.query.name);

Other ideas would be well accepted !

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