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Auto HotKey, Toggle: Hold Shift, Click and release LButton every second

I'm trying to make an AutoHotkey script that holds Shift , and while it's holding it I need the mouse to click and release every second. This is what I have come up with so far.

KeyDown := !KeyDown
If KeyDown
    SendInput {Shift down}, Click, Sleep 2000
    SendInput {Shift up}

This loop after a certain amount of time behavior is best implemented with a SetTimer function invoking a Subroutine .

Additionally, since your script holds down the Shift key, you would need to also have the hotkey be invoked whenever Shift + Home is pressed as well, so that it can be turned off.

Final Code:

+Home:: ;Alternative hotkey definition that invokes on Shift+Home
    KeyDown := !KeyDown
    if (KeyDown){
        SendInput {Shift down}
        gosub, clickSubroutine ;To trigger the first click immediately
        SetTimer, clickSubroutine, 1000 ;To trigger clicks after every 1000 ms (1 second)
        SendInput {Shift up}
        SetTimer, clickSubroutine, Off ;Turn off the clickSubroutine Loop


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