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Exception: undefined is not an object (evaluating 'navigation.navigate')

I've four screens in a Stack navigator in Books.js :

function Books(props) {
    return (
            <Stack.Screen name="Home" component={BooksMenu} />
            <Stack.Screen name="Order Book" component={BookOrder} />
            <Stack.Screen name="My Books" component={MyBooks} />
            <Stack.Screen name="Details" component={MyBooksDetails} />

From the BooksMenu screen user is navigating to the MyBooks screen and from the MyBooks there is a button that navigates the user to MyBooksDetails screen.

This error pops-up with I click on the button that is supposed to navigate the user to MyBooksDetails from the MyBooks screen. This is how the button action is handled:

            <TouchableWithoutFeedback style={styles.detailsBtn}
                onPress={() => navigation.navigate('Details')} >
                <Text style={styles.detailsBtnText}>See Details</Text>

I've restructured the default props with this on BookCell which is just a custom component in the MyBooks screen.

function BooksCell({ navigation }) {...

The screen which has the BookCell component still has default props .

function MyBooks(props) {...

So the sub screen (which is the component BooksCell ) has navigation as a restructured prop and its parent screen MyBooks as default props and the parent screen of MyBooks which is BooksMenu also have navigation as a restructured prop.

function BooksMenu({ navigation }) {...

Hope this makes sense. I'm new to react native so I have an idea that might be wrong but not sure how to fix it.

The destructuring of ({navigation}) vs. (props) does not make a difference. The important thing is what props are provided when the component is called.

Writing ({navigation}) means that your component expects to be called with a navigation prop. It doesn't provide that prop.

The top-level screens such as MyBooks and BooksMenu will be called with the props navigation and route when they are rendered by the Navigator. BooksCell is not a screen so React Navigation will not provide it with any props.

If you want to use the prop navigation in BooksCell then you must provide it. You can pass it down from a parent which has the prop.

function MyBooks(props) {
  return (
    <BooksCell navigation={props.navigation} />

The other option is to access navigation in BooksCell through the useNavigation() hook , which gets the navigation object by using the current Navigator's context.

function BookCell() {
  const navigation = useNavigation();

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