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EKS KubeSchedular

I am new Kubernetes and completely new to setting it up in EKS .

I am trying to achieve sharing of GPU between multiple pods, but for that going through few of the documents and articles, I found out I should update the kubeschedualr configuration with parameters which will then allow me the make the necessary changes for enabling sharing of GPU between pods.


How do I update the kubeschedular configuration in EKS . If update for the configuration is not possible, is there some other way, I can setup kubeschedular for only those pods which require GPU ??? .

I think you need a custom kubescheduler, and for your pods to be able to specify whether they want to use the default or the custom scheduler.

Kubernetes supports this: https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/extend-kubernetes/configure-multiple-schedulers/ -- basically, create a.yaml file, run kubectl create -f on it, and you should see your scheduler. You'll want to run it in the kube-system namespace, and give it a unique name (so your pods have a way of saying which scheduler they want).

I haven't done this in EKS myself, but would be very surprised if you couldn't run a custom scheduler in EKS. Moreover, this aws blog post https://aws.amazon.com/blogs/opensource/virtual-gpu-device-plugin-for-inference-workload-in-kubernetes/ , which sounds similar to what you're looking for, seems like it would require a custom scheduler.

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