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Webpack, optimization chunking gives “Conflict: Multiple chunks emit assets to the same filename” error


I am trying to generate my own webpack config and have some problems getting it working.


When trying to use optimization to split files into chunks I get the a error like underneath

Error: Conflict: Multiple chunks emit assets to the same filename static/js/bundle.js (chunks main and vendors-node_modules_react-hot-loader_patch_js-node_modules_react_jsx-dev-runtime_js-node_mod-4610d2)

If I remove the optimization section it works but without chunking. I have looked to the create react app webpack.config.js to get something to reference while generating this.

As you can see they have the optimization section working with chunking in both development and production. Why do I get the conflict error when using it?


Minified/simplified version of my config (runtimeChunk disabled, as it also gives the same conflict error)


module.exports = () => {
    process.env.NODE_ENV = "development";
    process.env.BABEL_ENV = "development";

    return {
        mode: "development",
        entry: ["react-hot-loader/patch", "./src"],
        output: {
            path: undefined,
            publicPath: "/",
            filename: "static/js/bundle.js",
            chunkFilename: "static/js/[name].chunk.js",
        optimization: {
            minimize: false,
            splitChunks: {
                chunks: "all",
                name: false
            // runtimeChunk: {
            //     name: (entrypoint) => `runtime-${entrypoint.name}`,
            // },
        resolve: {
            modules: [path.join(__dirname, "src"), "node_modules"],
            alias: {
                "react-dom": "@hot-loader/react-dom",
        module: {
            rules: [
                    test: /\.(js|mjs|jsx|ts|tsx)$/,
                    include: path.resolve(__dirname, "./src"),
                    exclude: /node_modules/,
                    use: ["babel-loader"],
        plugins: [
            new HtmlWebpackPlugin({
                inject: true,
                template: path.resolve(__dirname, "./public/index.html"),
            new webpack.HotModuleReplacementPlugin(),
        devServer: {
            compress: true,
            hot: true,
            contentBase: "./build",
            historyApiFallback: true,
        devtool: "inline-source-map",


{"presets": [["react-app", {"runtime": "automatic"}]]}

Got it to work had to change filename: "static/js/bundle.js" to filename: "static/js/[name].js"

output: {
    path: undefined,
    publicPath: "/",
    filename: "static/js/[name].js",
    chunkFilename: "static/js/[name].chunk.js",

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