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Cloning github project in react

I want to clone a project from github.

I first did git clone https://github.com/pancakeswap/pancake-frontend and than i ran npm install and after that i did npm run.

But when the project opens in my browser I got this error:

Failed to compile
SyntaxError: /home/ether/Documents/pancakeclone/pancake-frontend/src/index.js: Unexpected token (7:38)

   5 | var App_1 = require("./App");
   6 | var Providers_1 = require("./Providers");
>  7 | react_dom_1["default"].render(<react_1["default"].StrictMode>
     |                                       ^
   8 |     <Providers_1["default"]>
   9 |       <App_1["default"] />
  10 |     </Providers_1["default"]>

I did a google search but nothing helpful came up So maybe someone on here can exyplain me what im doing wrong.

In my terminal I also got this error:

Could not open index.js in the editor.

To set up the editor integration, add something like REACT_EDITOR=atom to the .env.local file in your project folder and restart the development server. Learn more: 

The problem is, i dont have a.env.local file in my project

On contributing guideline it's written that you have to:

  • Create a.env.development.local file at the root of the project. Add the following lines inside:


You'll need this in order to get the i18n system to work. Contact a dev if you need these values.

  • Install the dependencies

    yarn yarn start

Note: If you don't have yarn , run npm install -g yarn .

I tried here locally and it works:


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