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OpenIddict Asp.net Core 5.0 How to Get Principal Associated in Refresh Token Flow

I'm using the refresh token flow and it's working as designed where I can get a refresh token and then use it to get a new access token.

When the new access token is generated on the refresh token call I want to access the OpenIddictTokens.Id of the newly generated access token.

I thought I could do this using the OpenIddictServerEvents.ApplyTokenResponseContext event as shown below, but the Principal returned is null, so I can't get at the Token Id.

I have tried a bunch of other Server and Validation events, but can't seem to find an event which will allow me to get the token id of the new access token. Am I missing something?

.AddServer(options =>
       // .AllowAuthorizationCodeFlow()
       //     .RequireProofKeyForCodeExchange()

   options.AddEventHandler<OpenIddictServerEvents.ApplyTokenResponseContext>(builder =>
           context =>
               var principal = context.Principal; //Principal is null
               return default;


I have tried a bunch of other Server and Validation events, but can't seem to find an event which will allow me to get the token id of the new access token. Am I missing something?

You can use the ProcessSignIn event that has a RefreshTokenPrincipal . Just make sure to register your event handler with a high order to ensure the token identifier is attached to the principal before your handler is invoked.

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