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Increment with button when selected SWIFT/XCODE

I am trying to make my own keypad in XCODE, with SWIFT and ViewController.

I have a label and few separate buttons with their action functions. If I press on one button I would like the label to change to corresponding number, but if I click the button again I want the label to display the number again, not just once but how many times the button is clicked..

For example:

Button: Clicked once

Label = 'Hello'

Button: clicked again

Label = 'HelloHello'

Here is my code:

@IBOutlet var textLabel: UILabel!

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        // Do any additional setup after loading the view.

    @IBAction func noOne(_ sender: UIButton) {
        textLabel.text = "1"

.... Any tips?

You can do that like

@IBAction func noOne(_ sender: UIButton) {
    textLabel.text += "1"    

Or even you can make your method more generic and handle all button clicks in a single method. Link all button actions to a single IBAction like

@IBAction func onClick(_ sender: UIButton) {
    textLabel.text += sender.titleLabel?.text ?? ""   

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