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Laravel 8 returns 404 Not Found

I'm making a forum with Laravel 8, and basically whenever a user asks a question on this forum, it should be redirected to the question.

And I also want to make the redirection process based on the slug field of the question.

So in order to do this, I added this at the end of postForm() method:

return redirect('questions/{slug}');

And here is the route for seeing the question:

Route::get('questions/{slug}', [QuestionController::class, 'showQuestion']);

And then I coded at the Controller:

public function showQuestion($slug)
        $show = Question::find($slug);


        return view('questions.question',[
            'show' => $show

But now the problem is, when I try to add a new question, the question will successfully added but it redirects me to 404 page. And the URL also looks like this after redirection:


However, if I try to add a slug - that already exists in db - manually after the /questions/ , I still get the same 404 error!

So what's going wrong here? How can I properly redirect user to that route by slug of each question?

I would really appreciate if you help me out with this...

Two things you can do.

  1. You can change yours routes as below

    Route::get('questions/{question:slug}', [QuestionController::class, 'showQuestion']

in your controller you can use dependency injection as below

public function showQuestion(Question $question)
    return view('questions.question',[
        'show' => $question
  1. You can change your query from find to where

public function showQuestion($slug) {

    $show = Question::where('slug', $slug)->first();


    return view('questions.question',[
        'show' => $show

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