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R shiny radiogroup Button change color

I am using the library shinythemes https://rstudio.github.io/shinythemes/ but I would like to change the color of radiogroup buttons. How can I change the color?

                 status = "primary ",
                 inputId = "indicadores_radiogroup",
                 choices = c("Casos" = "Confirmados", "Muertes"= "Muertes"),


It seems you are using the shinyWidgets package. You can set status = "danger" for a red color, or status = "success" for a green color. Check the ' radio Buttons' panel in http://shinyapps.dreamrs.fr/shinyWidgets/

   inputId = "Id064",
   label = "Label",
   choices = c("A", 
    "B", "C", "D"),
   status = "danger"

The status parameter adds a class to your button. The example gives your button the class btn-danger . Check the css associated.

.btn-danger {
    color: #fff;
    background-color: #d9534f;
    border-color: #d43f3a;

You can use an arbitrary string to add a custom class, eg : with status = 'myClass' , buttons will have class btn-myClass . Then you will need to specify the css.

.btn-myClass {
    background-color: #ff4500;

For your own specific color, you can try the following:

ui = fluidPage(
      #status = "primary ",  ##  you can change status value to change to select few colors
      inputId = "indicadores_radiogroup",
      checkIcon = list(yes = icon("check")),
      choiceValues = c("Confirmados", "Muertes"), 
      choiceNames = c("Casos", "Muertes"),
      justified = TRUE, width = "300px"
    tags$script("$(\"input:radio[name='indicadores_radiogroup'][value='Confirmados']\").parent().css('background-color', '#FF4500');"),
    tags$script("$(\"input:radio[name='indicadores_radiogroup'][value='Muertes']\").parent().css('background-color', '#7EF373');"),

  server = function(...) {}

  shinyApp(ui, server)

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