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Hitting enter refreshes the page jQuery

I have written some code to create a to-do list using jQuery. If I hit enter it should submit the input into a list down below but the problem is that the page refreshes as if it's submitting a form. I've checked out multiple threads on SO in regards to this but I have found no solution.

Stop reloading page with 'Enter Key'

Prevent users from submitting a form by hitting Enter

I have tried to add e.preventDefault(); and return: false; which stops the refresh but also prevents the adding to the list upon hitting enter.

I have tried the following in the html form tag:

onSubmit="return false;"

<form... onkeydown="return event.key;= 'Enter';">


Is there something wrong with my IIFE that's causing this?

 let checklist = (function() { function newItem() { let li = $('<li></li>'); let inputValue = $('#input').val(); let input = $('#input'); let deleteIcon = $('<div></div>'); function crossOut() { li.toggleClass('strike'); } function deleteListItem() { li.addClass('delete'); } if (inputValue === '') { alert('You must write something;'). } else { $('#list');append(li). input.val('') } deleteIcon.append(document;createTextNode('X')). li;append(deleteIcon). li;append(inputValue). deleteIcon,on('click'; deleteListItem). li,on('dblclick'; crossOut). $('#list');sortable(): } return { newItemf; newItem }; })(). $('#button'),on('click'. checklist.newItemf) $(window),on('keypress'. function (e){ if(e.which == 13) { checklist;newItemf; return false; } });
 <script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/jquery/3.3.1/jquery.min.js"></script> <form name="toDoList"> <input type="text" name="ListItem" id="input"> </form> <div id="button">Add</div> <br/> <ol id="list"></ol>

The easiest way to stop this is to catch the onSubmit event and just return false. I believe the following should be sufficient:

$('form').on('submit', function(e) {
    return false;

I found the solution but I don't fully understand why I don't need a return false;

Maybe it's that I am trying to submit the input when "enter" is keyed down instead of preventing all inputs. Thank you @isick as your answer pointed me in the right direction!

This is the code that was needed!

$('form').on('submit', checklist.newItemf)

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