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Azure AD provides refresh_token even I don't request and permissions does not have offline_access

I'm having really hard time to understand what's going on. My is my SPA keeps getting refresh_token even I don't request it and permissions on Azure has no offline_access.

What can I do to NOT get refresh_token?

My request URL (notice no offline_access is requested)


Permissions on Azure (no offline_access)


Consent screen (ask user to give offline access permission)


Result, I've refresh_token, not a good idea having refresh token on client.


It is a known issue when using azure ad v2.0 endpoint, related post here .

Also mentioned in offline_access :

This permission currently appears on all consent pages, even for flows that don't provide a refresh token (such as the implicit flow). This setup addresses scenarios where a client can begin within the implicit flow and then move to the code flow where a refresh token is expected.

But this does not affect that you don't want to get the refresh token, what you used is the auth code flow v2.0 , just don't include the offline_access when requesting the token , then the refresh token will not be returned.

Or if you really don't what the app let you consent this permission, just use the auth code flow v1.0 , then if you don't include offline_access when you request the code , it will not let you consent the offline_access permission.

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