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Discord.js Bot Reaction Command with gif

I want that if someone types in the command .hello (ping user) , that there is a gif in an embed which shows that expression. My problem now is that I dont know how to this with a different user than myself. So I can type .hello and then there is my Discord Username and the gif, but I dont know how that works with other users. I hope someone can help me.


client.on("message", (message) => {
    var user = message.mention.member;
    if (message.content == ".retarded" + user) {
         const retarded = new Discord.MessageEmbed()
              { name: user , value: "Text" },

        console.log(message.member.user.tag +' executed command .RETARDED')


If you want to get the User or a GuildMember usingmentions , you can try:

message.mentions.users.first() //User


message.mentions.members.first() //GuildMember

which will return the first entry in the collection. You can store them, and access the properties and methods of that object.

Note:- GuildMember and User are different from each other.

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