
I am trying to use the ternary operator like this in button radio in javascript:

 $(document).on('click', '.limp-orc1', function(){ var empl_id = $(this).parents("tr").attr("id"); $.getJSON('./historicoaval?empl_id' + '&empl_id=' + empl_id, function (data) { for (var i = 0; i < data.length; i++) { Id = data[i][0]; Utente = data[i][1]; Data = data[i][2]; radio = data[i][3]; } var linha = ``; linha += `<li> <label for="radio" style="font-size: 12px;">Descola-se</label> <ul class="flex-outer"> <div class="subscription-container"> <input type="radio" ${radio} == 1? 'checked': ''> <label class="subscription__button"> <h3 class="subscription__title">Autónomo (Sim)</h3> </label> <input type="radio" ${radio} == 2? 'checked': ''> <label class="subscription__button"> <h3 class="subscription__title">Necessita de apoio pontual</h3> </label> <input type="radio" ${radio} == 3? 'checked': ''> <label class="subscription__button"> <h3 class="subscription__title">Necessita sempre de apoio</h3> </label> <input type="radio" ${radio} == 4? 'checked': ''> <label class="subscription__button"> <h3 class="subscription__title">Não Autónomo (Não)</h3> </label> <input type="radio" ${radio} == 5? 'checked': ''> <label class="subscription__button"> <h3 class="subscription__title">Não aplicável</h3> </label> </div> </ul> </li>`;

But it is not working. Do not select any of the buttons.

What could I be doing wrong to not work?

Can they help to solve this problem?

<input type="radio" ${radio} == 3? 'checked': ''> <input type="radio" ${radio} == 3? 'checked': ''> is incorrect. This will evaluate to:

<input type="radio" true == 3 ? 'checked' : ''>

Which is not valid HTML.

Instead, you should do the following:

<input type="radio" ${radio === 3 ? 'checked' : ''}>

If the condition is true, this will become <input type="radio" checked> , otherwise just <input type="radio" />


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