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How to modify Laravel model collection?

I have 2 database tables. The first table is the files that have a link (and other parameters) to a file on the server. The second table has a file_id column that stores the id of the line with the file in the files table. How can I make a join element from the table files on querying to model. Getting a collection and adding an image in a loop is not suitable. I need something like a function called when accessing a model (not a __construct ()), something as accessor, but for collection

You can eager load the relationship so it will have the file as part of the Model that contains file_id .

On the Model that has file_id , add a hasOne relationship for the File model:

public function file()
    return $this->hasOne(File::class);


You can define the inverse on the File model:

public function otherModel()
    return $this->belongsTo(OtherModel::class);


This will allow you to eager load the File when you access the other model.

You can eager load as you go using the with() method:

$otherModel = OtherModel::with('file')->...


Or eager load every time you access the other model by adding the $with to the model it self:

protected $with = ['file'];



You will then get the File as part of your other Model like so:

    'id' => 1,
    'file_id' => 4,
    'file' => [
        'id' => 11,


Also, as you have defined the inverse relationship, you can eager load the other model when you access a File using with() ;

$file = File::with('otherModel')->...

Or as shown above, eager load by default in the File model:

protected $with = ['otherModel'];

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