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How to merge cells into one with pandas?

So I have a dataframe

name phone address neighborhood
client1 xxxxx AStreet Brooklyn ------
client2 xxxxx BStreet Brooklyn ------


I need to "combine" the cells in each row to be a single cell with all the info, occupying 4 columns. It should look like this:

name phone address neighborhood
client1, xxxxx, AStreet, Brooklyn --------
client2, xxxxx, BStreet, Brooklyn --------

How to do this? Is this even posible? Sorry for the bad formatting, the guide wasn't very helpful on how to present a proper dataframe.

I've looked into many pandas methods for dataframes, but couldn't find an answer (perhaps i didn't notice it could be a solution, since i'm a beginner programmer)

There's no explicit operation for this in pandas.

Yet, a straight forward solution would be something like this:

df['name'] = df['name'] + ', ' + df['phone'] + ', ' + df['address'] + ', ' + df['phone']
df['phone'] = df['address'] = df['neighborhood'] = ''

You can always improve this (eg use join clause in the assignment):

df['name'] = df.apply(', '.join, axis=1)
df['phone'] = df['address'] = df['neighborhood'] = ''

IIUC this is what you want:

out = pd.DataFrame(columns = df.columns)

df.iloc[:,:-1] += ', '
out["name"] = df.sum(1)


                                       name phone address neighborhood
0  client1, xxxxx, AStreet, Brooklyn ------   NaN     NaN          NaN
1  client2, xxxxx, BStreet, Brooklyn ------   NaN     NaN          NaN

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