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i made first react app and when i upload it on github i only see blank page on github page

hi so im trying to upload page made in react to github at start i ran into problem of it showing me only README file but i managed to solve that by following deployment guide on react website and that help well kind of, now i ran into other problem which is that github is just showing me blank page i don't understand why is it like this cuz i changed file and it shouldn't be empty and here is git repository for non- npm build version of page and also here is git repo for the build version of page that is just blank, am i running in this problem cuz i used npm build wrong way? how do i fix it? thanks in advance

I had the same problem and I found easier to use Netlify to upload websites. I think if you are using only an html file you can just set the github pages with root and it shouldn't reuqire to use build run, I think the build command it is for projects done with frameworks/more complext. Try to do like that maybe it will work.

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