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How to destroy and reinitialize component in react on Button click in another component

I have created a Pagination from a tutorial in React like this,

 const [posts, setPosts] = useState([]); 
 const [showPerPage] = useState(6);
 const [pagination, setPagination] = useState({
   start: 0,
   end: showPerPage
 const onPaginationChange = (start, end) => {
   setPagination({start: start, end: end});

The above lines are in the main Component in which I am calling my Pagination component like this:

<Pagination showPerPage={showPerPage} onPaginationChange={onPaginationChange} totalProvider={posts.length}/>

Now I have created the Pagination Component like this,

 import React, {useState, useEffect} from 'react' const Pagination = ({showPerPage, onPaginationChange, totalProvider}) => { const [counter, setCounter] = useState(1); useEffect(()=>{ const value = showPerPage * counter; onPaginationChange(value - showPerPage, value); },[counter]); const onButtonClick = (type) => { if(type==='prev'){ if(counter === 1){ setCounter(1); }else { setCounter(counter - 1); } }else if( type=== 'next'){ if(Math.ceil(totalProvider/showPerPage)=== counter){ setCounter(counter); }else { setCounter(counter + 1); } } } return ( <div className="paginationWrapper"> <span id="prevBtn" onClick={()=>onButtonClick('prev')} className="disable">Prev.</span> <div className="numberOfItems"> <span id="startCounter">{counter}</span>of<span>{Math.ceil(totalProvider/showPerPage)}</span> </div> <span id="nextBtn" onClick={()=>onButtonClick('next')}>Next</span> </div> ) } export default Pagination

This is the Setup I have, Now I want to reset the Pagination when I click on a button in Parent Component, Because on that button click I need to fetch more or less data, and in this case my pagination always stay on the number where I previously left it, I can do this 2 ways, but unable to get the code way:

  1. If I can reset the counter (const in Pagination component)to 1, on that button click, then it would be done, Or
  2. If I can just destroy the Component, every State of it, then it would be done.

Please help, Note: I am not using redux.

I think using ref is the easiest way to do it.

import React, {userRef} from "react"
function ParentComponent() {
    const resetRef = useRef();
    const handleReset = () => {
         if (resetRef && resetReft.current) resetRef.current.resetCounter();
    return <>
          <button onClick={handleReset}>Reset</button>
          <Pagination ref={resetRef} showPerPage={showPerPage} onPaginationChange={onPaginationChange} totalProvider={posts.length}/>

Add forwardRef and resetCounter() to your Pagination component.

const Pagination = React.forwardRef(({showPerPage, onPaginationChange, totalProvider}, ref) => {
    const [counter, setCounter] = useState(1);
        const value = showPerPage * counter;
        onPaginationChange(value - showPerPage, value);
    const onButtonClick = (type) => {
            if(counter === 1){
            }else {
                setCounter(counter - 1);
        }else if( type=== 'next'){
            if(Math.ceil(totalProvider/showPerPage)=== counter){
            }else {
                setCounter(counter + 1);
    resetCounter() {
    return (
        <div className="paginationWrapper" ref={ref}>
            <span id="prevBtn" onClick={()=>onButtonClick('prev')} className="disable">Prev.</span>
            <div className="numberOfItems">
                <span id="startCounter">{counter}</span>of<span>{Math.ceil(totalProvider/showPerPage)}</span>    
            <span id="nextBtn" onClick={()=>onButtonClick('next')}>Next</span>        

export default Pagination

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