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Android Hilt injecting interface to a viewmodel impelemented by an activity

New to DI, Using Hilt I'm trying to inject an interface implemented by an activty to a viewmodel like this:

Activity class:

class MainActivity  : AppCompatActivity(), AnInterface{
    private val mainViewModel : MainViewModel by viewModels()
    // .....


class MainViewModel : ViewModel() @Inject constructor(anInterface : AnInterface){



class ActivityModule {
    fun provideAnInterface(activity: Activity) : AnInterface = activty as AnInterface


Gives me error:

AnInterface cannot be provided without an @Provides-annotated method.

You should not pass Activity's reference to ViewModel That clearly violates the loose coupling feature of MVVM. Dependency flows inwards in MVVM. Use LiveData instead to observe the Data from ViewModel in Activity/Fragment do not use an Interface.


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