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Re-render child after parent state change with get request

So I'm a beginner with react and I was wondering how to re-render the child after setting the state in the parent (from the child). Here's a code sample. I have a function that calls a GET request using Axios and when I press the button in the child component ideally it will update the state in the parent and also re-render the child but it only does the former.


class Parent extends Component {
    constructor(props) {
        this.state = {
            data: []

    fetchData = () => {
            .then(res => this.setState({data: res.data}))

    Render() {
        return (<Child data={this.state.data} fetchData={this.fecthData}/>)

    // ...


class Child extends Component {
    // ...

    render() {
        const { data, fetchData } = this.props
        // render data
        return <button onClick={fetchData}>Change data then fetch</button>

Also, are you supposed to make a local state in the Child and set it as a copy of the Parent's state or just passing it down as a prop is okay?

Your parent component holds the data and the child uses it. It seems to me you're doing it the right way. Here is a fully working example: Codesandbox

class Parent extends Component {
  constructor(props) {
    this.state = {
      data: []
    this.updateData = this.updateData.bind(this);

  async fetchData() {
    const response = await fetch("https://jsonplaceholder.typicode.com/posts");
    return response.json();

  updateData() {
    this.setState({ data: [] }) // Creates a flicker, just so you see it does refresh the child
    this.fetchData().then((res) => this.setState({ data: res }));

  render() {
    return <Child data={this.state.data} onAction={this.updateData} />;

Note I renamed your child prop fetchData into onAction (I don't know what's the name of the action that triggers a refresh, could be onRefresh ). It's always best to see components props with separation between data attributes and event attributes .

Even standard components have it this way: <input value={user.firstname} onChange={doSomething} /> . So, better to prefix events by on , then the parent decides what to do with it. It's not the child's concern.

class Child extends Component {
  render() {
    const { data, onAction } = this.props;

    return (
        <button onClick={onAction}>Change data then fetch</button>
        {data.map((item) => (
          <div key={item.id}>
            {item.id} - {item.title}

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