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How to put custom gap between interval for polling in Rxjs angular?

I would like to implement gap / delay between every interval call, i have tried below but it seems not working.

  pollOnInterval(threshold = 4000): Observable<any> {
    let thresholdValue = threshold;
    const increaseBy = 2000;
    const maxCount = 10;
    return interval(thresholdValue).pipe(take(maxCount)).pipe(delay(increaseBy)).pipe(map(() => {
      thresholdValue = thresholdValue + increaseBy;
      console.log((new Date).toLocaleTimeString());

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Edit -1 I have tried debounce and debouceTime, It didn't work too, Stackbliz link: https://stackblitz.com/edit/angular-ivy-tinm4r?file=src%2Fapp%2Fapp.component.ts

Edit - 2 I need in below way
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  1. You could pipe all the operators in a single pipe() . Each operator doesn't require it's own pipe.

  2. As mentioned in my comment, once the interval() is triggered using the thresholdValue , the subsequent changes to the thresholdValue variable won't have any effect on the interval() function. It will continue to emit for each time interval denoted by the thresholdValue initally .

  3. At the moment the observable is emitting undefined s since nothing is returned from the map .

  4. You need to use concatMap and pipe the delay to each emission individually. If not, the delay would be piped to the interval as a whole as seen in the question.

Try the following

 var { from, of, Observable, interval } = rxjs; var { tap, delay, take, map, concatMap } = rxjs.operators; var displayBox = document.getElementById('display'); function pollOnInterval(threshold = 4000) { let increaseBy = 4000; // delay for first emission from `interval` const maxCount = 10; return interval(4000).pipe( concatMap(value => of(value).pipe( tap(() => displayBox.innerHTML += ` Interval: ${new Date().toLocaleTimeString()}; Delay: ${increaseBy/1000}s <br /> ` ), delay(increaseBy) )), tap(() => increaseBy += 2000), // <-- adjust `increaseBy` take(maxCount), map(() => new Date().toLocaleTimeString()) ); } pollOnInterval().subscribe({ next: value => displayBox.innerHTML += `Subscription: ${value}<br /><hr>`, error: null, complete: () => displayBox.innerHTML += 'Observable complete.' });
 <script src="https://unpkg.com/rxjs@6.6.0/bundles/rxjs.umd.min.js"></script> <p id="display"></p>

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