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Dynamically modifying lazy loaded routes not working

I am trying to modify routes in a lazy-loaded feature module but no success. I tried several approaches including router.reset(newRoutes) but none seem to work. (Angular 9)

export class FeatureModule {
  static forRoot(routes?: Routes) {
    return {
      ngModule: FeatureModule,
      providers: [
        RouterModule.forChild(routes).providers // option 1
        // provideRoutes(routes), // option 2
        // { provide: ROUTES, useValue: routes }, // option 3

FeatureModule is lazy loaded into the main app:

loadChildren: () => import('./feature/feature.module').then((m) => m.FeatureModule.forRoot(customRoutes)

None of the options work. Angular does not detect those dynamically provided routes

If I provide static default routes in the imports then it works but then I am not able to modify the routes

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(defaultRoutes)]
export class FeatureModule { }

I wonder if this has something to do with Angular itself or I am doing something wrong

That will not work, because imports and providers are two different things and the RouterModule is a Module so it should be placed in the imports section.

Using dynamic routes in a lazy-module it's a little tricky, i dont know if there is another way, but you could try the following:

Use and export a variable in the FeatureModule and fill the routes on the lazy-load.

export const FeatureModuleRoutes = [];

  imports: [RouterModule.forChild(FeatureModuleRoutes)]
export class FeatureModule { }

Lets create an InjectionToken and store the routes in there.

//Create the injection token
const ROUTES_STORE = new InjectionToken("Loading lazy routes");

//In your AppModule provide the routes that you need.
      provide: ROUTES_STORE,
      useValue: [{featureRoutes: [{path: "", component: FeatureComponent}]}]

To inject the token you need an injector, the AppModule it is called before the lazy-load, so you could provide an static injector and use it later.

export class AppModule {
  static mInjector: Injector;

  //Inject the Injector so we can access it before de Lazy Module
  constructor(injector: Injector) {
    AppModule.mInjector = injector;

Now you have an injector and the routes, it is time to fill your FeatureModuleRoutes. The m it is the file so you can access to your variable before is loaded.

    loadChildren: () =>
      import("./feature/feature.module").then(m => {
        const routeStore = AppModule.mInjector.get(ROUTES_STORE);
          .forEach(route => (m.FeatureModuleRoutes as Array<any>).push(route));
        return m.FeatureModule;

And that is it, let me know if it helps.

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