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What is the correct way to pass dynamic parameter to the api call in Vuejs?


 <template> <div> <div v-for="box in boxes":key="box.SouName"> {{ box.SouName }} </div> <div v-for="paint in paints":key="paint.Tame"> {{ paint.Tame }} </div> </div> </template> <script> import { test1 } from "./test1"; import { test2 } from "./test2"; export default { name: "HelloWorld", components: {}, data() { return { boxes: [], paints: [], }; }, mounted() { test1().then((r) => { this.boxes = r.data; }); test2().then((r) => { this.paints = r.data; }); }, }; </script>


 import axios from "axios"; export const test1 = () => axios.get("");


 import axios from "axios"; export const test2 = async (SouName = "aaaa") => await axios.get( "" + SouName );

If you see, in test2.js, i have SouName = "a" aathis means, i am checking the database name in a static way. In the output also, it is showing as array[0] only, not an entire array which has SouName

Note:- I have an API call to get SouName as a response and then i want to pass this SouName to an API call to get SouName as a response.

And then i want to pass this SouName dynamically in test2.js.

As you can see, according to the output, in the paints, i have only one array, that is Array[1] not all like boxes array.???

Because of that reason, i want to changes to dynamic way, to pick the SouName directly from the api..

Can you please suggest code change, if there is any wrong Thanks

As per your question, what I understood is that you are making an API call to get SourcName as a response and then you want to pass this SourcName dynamically in tabsandcontent method? If my understanding is correct, You can follow below steps :

  1. In mounted() life cycle hook, First call the API to get the SourcName .
  2. On success promise, call tabsandcontent() method and pass the SourcName .

For Ex:

mounted() {
  getSourcName().then((sourcName) => { // This API method is to get the sourcName value
    tabsandcontent(sourcName).then((r) => { // This API method is to pass the dynamic SourcName and get the response to bind in frontend.
      this.names = r.data

Edit as per the author actual code :

mounted() {
  test1().then((r) => {
    this.boxes = r.data;
    this.boxes.forEach((obj) => {
      test2(obj.SourceDatabaseName).then((r) => {
        r.data.forEach((item) => {

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