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Select rows from Data Frame based on listed values in R Programming

I am doing Exploratory Data Analytics of Sports Data using R Programming... I want to print the records from the Data Frame based on two condition condition: Country == "England" ||(OR operator) Ground == ground can be any one from the below list

List = c("Birmingham" ,"Bristol" ,"Cardiff" ,"Chester-le-Street" , 
              "Leeds" ,"East London" ,"Lord's", "The Oval",
              "Manchester" ,"Nottingham" ,"Southampton" ,"Taunton")

Sample Data (abbreviated given image provided)

  Ground = c('Hambantota', 'Benoni', 'Benoni', 'Hambantota', 'Hambantota',
             'Pallekele', 'Pallekele'),
  Country = c('Bangladesh', 'SouthAfrica', 'Pakistan', 'SriLanka', 'Bangladesh',
              'SriLanka', 'Bangladesh')


I am trying...

subset(WC_Grounds,WC_Grounds$Country=="England"||WC_Grounds %in% WC_Grounds_List)

but it returns the 0 records


subset(WC_Grounds, WC_Grounds$Country=="England" | WC_Grounds$Ground %in% WC_Grounds_List)

Work for you?

|| and && - These operators are “short-circuiting”: as soon as || sees the first TRUE it returns TRUE without computing anything else. You should instead use | which is vectorized thus applying to the multiple values in your dataset.

Here is an example using the abbreviated sample data I added to your question:

WC_Grounds <- data.frame(
  Ground = c('Hambantota', 'Benoni', 'Benoni', 'Hambantota', 'Hambantota',
             'Pallekele', 'Pallekele'),
  Country = c('Bangladesh', 'SouthAfrica', 'Pakistan', 'SriLanka', 'Bangladesh',
              'SriLanka', 'Bangladesh')

List = c('Hambantota', 'Benoni')

subset(WC_Grounds, WC_Grounds$Country == "SriLanka" | WC_Grounds$Ground %in% List)

#>       Ground     Country
#> 1 Hambantota  Bangladesh
#> 2     Benoni SouthAfrica
#> 3     Benoni    Pakistan
#> 4 Hambantota    SriLanka
#> 5 Hambantota  Bangladesh
#> 6  Pallekele    SriLanka

Created on 2021-03-20 by the reprex package (v1.0.0)

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