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Unable to import more than one level of module

I'm working on a browser app and am using the below method to import modules as needed. Unfortunately any modules imported at the 'second level' or deeper treat the asterisk '*' as an unexpected token. It's been a few years since my last JavaScript work and am unsure what I'm doing wrong as much has changed and is new to me.

Below is a minimum example that encounters the issue. The structure of each module is to emulate C# classes with public, private, and static objects and almost entirely remove the need to type 'this.' over and over and over again as is the.js way of doing things.


//Directly attached to the page using <script type="module" src="Content.js"></script>

import * as XRVideo from "../Viewer/Scripts/XRVideo.js"; //This works perfectly

var urlA = "Testing/VideoA.mp4";
var urlB = "Testing/VideoB.mp4";

var arrXRVideos = [];

window.addEventListener("load", (e) =>{


import * as XRScene from "./Core/XRScene.js"; //This throws an Unexpected Token '*' Error
import * as XRSkybox from "./Core/XRSkybox.js";

/* Static */
export const XRStatus = {
    Stopped : 0,

/* Instanced */
export function New(videoURL){
    var _isInitialized = false;
    var _url = "";

//#region Pseudo Constructor
        _url = videoUrl;

        _isInitialized = true;

    /* Getters & Setters */
    function GetURL(){
        return _url;

    /* Exposed As Public */
    //Properties can't be directly exposed otherwise they become static...
        GetURL : GetURL

It turned out the issue was due to a broken line comment throwing off the system. Always look at the previous line for 'Unexpected' errors...

I didn't notice this due to how VS Code's Default theme, visually styles code comments and hyperlinks the same. Specifically both lines look like the same green text despite one being a comment and the other not.

//This is a comment, VS Code shows it as a dirty green.
//I am a code comment

//This is a URL that accidentally didn't get the '//' to turn it into a comment,
//VS Code shows it as a dirty green making it look like a comment.

import * as Bah from "./Foo.js"; //Unexpected token '*'

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