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How to put current filename in vim commands in .vimrc

i want to create a shortcut to run typescript in vim how can i access the filename in .vimrc i want to run short scripts.

nmap <leader>r:! ts-node current-file<return>

First try % , as this gets substituted by the file name (as explained in :help:! ):

nmap <Leader>r :! ts-node %<CR>

But if the file name contains whitespaces or special characters, you might see some errors. In that case, you need to escape the file name as follows:

nmap <Leader>r :execute '!ts-node ' . shellescape(expand("%"))<CR>

You're strongly adviced to read :h cmdline.txt , section 6 :h cmdline-special from top down to bottom.

nnoremap <leader>r  :!ts-node %:S<CR>

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