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Open and close process in Laravel

In web.php I start the process in this route

   $process1 = proc_open('php C:\Process1.php',$descriptorspec,$pipes);

   // Here I need to save a reference to the process - $process1

I need to close this process in another route


   // Here I need to get a reference to the process - $process1

   proc_close( $process1 )

Where do I save a reference to the process and how do I get it?

proc_open returns a resource, and resources can't be serialised so I don't think you can retrieve the resource again after the request ends.

Here is a potential solution:

   $process1 = proc_open('php C:\Process1.php',$descriptorspec,$pipes);
   $status = proc_get_status ($process1);
   return response()->json([
      'pid' => $status['pid'];

Then you can use the PID retrieved to kill the process using a shell operation:

     shell_exec("kill -9 $pid");

You can call the later as https://example.com/stopProcess/12345

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