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Can someone help me replace the **for loop** to **while loop** I'm struggling to figure it out?

Can someone help me replace the for loop to while loop I'm struggling to figure it out?

The question specifically asks us not to use for loop. That's why I need to replace it with the while loop

I have listed below:

  1. my code
  2. Sample testing of the input and the output
  3. the conditions we have to follow:
 def matrix_equal(matrix1, matrix2):
    Compares two matrices to see if they are equal - i.e. have the
    same contents in the same locations.
    Use: equal = matrix_equal(matrix1, matrix2)
        matrix1 - the first matrix (2D list of ?)
        matrix2 - the second matrix (2D list of ?)
        equal - True if matrix1 and matrix2 are equal,
            False otherwise (boolean)
    equal = True
    if((len(matrix1) != len(matrix2)) or (len(matrix1[0]) != len(matrix2[0]))):
        equal = False
    for x in range(len(matrix1)):
        if(equal == False):
        for y in range(len(matrix1[0])):
            num1 = matrix1[x][y]
            num2 = matrix2[x][y]
            if(num1 != num2):
                equal = False
    return equal

Sample testing:

First matrix:
      0    1    2
 0    c    a    t
 1    d    o    g
 2    b    i    g

Second matrix:
      0    1    2
 0    c    a    t
 1    d    o    g
 2    b    i    g

Equal matrices: True

The conditions we have to follow:

1. should not call input in the function
2. should not call print in the function
3. should not have multiple returns

This should solve your problem, this is a solution using while loop:

def matrix_equal(mat1,mat2):
  equal = True
  if(len(mat1[0]) == len(mat2[0]) and len(mat1) == len(mat2)):
    i = 0
    n = len(mat1[0])
    m = len(mat1)
    while(i < m):
      j = 0
      while(j < n):
        if(mat1[i][j] != mat2[i][j]):
          equal = False
        equal = False
  return equal


for x in range(len(matrix1)):


x = 0
while x < len(matrix1):
    x += 1


You can transform:

for i in range(mat.shape[0]):
  {do stuff...}


i = 0
while i < mat.shape[0]:
  {do stuff...}
  # increment i with 1
  i += 1

so here you would get:

def mat_eq_while(matrix1, matrix2):
  i = 0
  j = 0
  equal = True
  if(not (mat1.shape == mat2.shape) ):
      equal = False
  while i < mat1.shape[0]:
      if(equal == False):
      while j < mat1.shape[1]:
          num1 = matrix1[i, j]
          num2 = matrix2[i, j]
          if(num1 != num2):
              equal = False
          j += 1
      i += 1
  return equal

test it with

import numpy as np
mat1 = np.matrix(range(9)).reshape(3,3)
mat2 = np.matrix(range(1, 10)).reshape(3,3)

print( mat_eq_while(mat1, mat1) )
print( mat_eq_while(mat1, mat2) )

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