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Trouble-shooting “Cannot use import statement outside a module”

I am trying to use puppeteer for e2e testing on a react app. I'd prefer to use TypeScript, so I've tried to start with a file that begins with:

import puppeteer, { Browser, Page } from "puppeteer";

I can't seem to resolve this error, though:

({"Object.<anonymous>":function(module,exports,require,__dirname,__filename,global,jest){import puppeteer from "puppeteer";

SyntaxError: Cannot use import statement outside a module

  at Runtime.createScriptFromCode (../node_modules/jest-runtime/build/index.js:1350:14)

I'm eager to learn, but not sure how to trouble-shoot this.

I don't think Jest supports ES6. Have you checked Jest docs for support -> https://jestjs.io/docs/ecmascript-modules

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